Our strategy

4 strategic priorities for materialising unmatched customer experience

Orange has defined 4 strategic priorities for the coming years, all contributing to the primary goal: unmatched customer experience.

Claim our mobile only champion stance

Orange Belgium’s fundamental strength − the company’s true DNA − is mobile. In fact, Orange is Belgium’s mobile champion. But this position can be over-shadowed in the market’s current emphasis on convergent offers. So, 2018 is the moment for the company to honour and claim its premiere mobile stance.

In 2018, Orange aims to launch new disruptive mobile offers − enriching its portfolio of services, enhancing content, and reinforcing loyalty. With the ultimate goal of extending an excellent customer experience to every member of a family.

Boost convergence to sustain mobile value

As the market is evolving rapidly towards convergence, a key strategic priority for the year is for Orange to boost its convergent offer. Further progress is envisaged in the ongoing effort to provide the Belgian market with a viable regulatory framework that enables competitive entry into the convergence field.

It is crucial for Orange to boost convergence in 2018, and combine convergence with its mobile offer, in order to secure and grow the Orange mobile customer base and revenues. The mid-term objective is to build on 2017’s 100,000 Love customer milestone and reach 10% market share in broadband.

Provide (digital) communication and collaboration services to each Belgian company

Just as Orange is set to expand its offering to residential customers, 2018 will see the company enriching its portfolio of services to business customers. On top of strong mobile and convergent products and services, Orange Belgium will be adding an array of services for businesses, including fleet management, support for ICT, and employee solutions. The next step will be next-level services such as cyber-security.

As communication and collaboration services become more and more important for all kinds of businesses, in Belgium, this is especially true for the SME market. Orange’s strategic priority is to gain business market share in this extremely competitive arena, one company at a time. How? By providing the services and solutions that ultimately deliver peace of mind.

Achieve digital & cultural transformation

In 2017, Orange Belgium launched a full-scale in-house digital transformation project under the banner ‘A Digital and Caring Employer’. 2018 will be marked with changes in the legacy systems with state-of-the-art digital solutions in every part of the company, from billing and cloud technologies to HR and training processes.

The ultimate goal is to transform the Orange culture and way of working, to make decision-making, collaboration and innovation faster and more agile. What distinguishes Orange in this effort is its bottom-up approach − through surveys and 360° feedback, the company is canvassing its team members for ideas for improving collaboration and efficiency, overcoming constraints, and so on. 2018 will see the entire workforce mobilised and contributing to the company’s total transformation − creating powerful synergies between employee experience and customer experience.
