
We are committed

The Orange Foundation is present in Belgium via the Orange Belgium Fund, which is managed by the  King Baudouin Foundation.

For over 30 years the mission of the Orange Foundation has been to make digital a factor facilitating equality of opportunity.
In Belgium, we are delighted to have created the Orange Belgium Fund in order to support projects that promote solidarity and responsibility.

This patronage aims to provide concrete assistance to associations on the ground that are active in digital inclusion.
Today, 40% of the Belgian population is digitally vulnerable (source: digital barometer of the King Baudouin Foundation 2023).

We are convinced that, as an actor in the telecommunications sector, we have a vital role to play in giving everyone access to the possibilities offered by the new technologies and making digital a factor to facilitate equality of opportunity.
We want to make a priority commitment to people excluded from digital, especially young persons in precarious situations and women.
With our technologies and resources, we are advancing step by step towards greater digital inclusion.

Discover the Orange Belgium Fund’s 2023 year impact.

View the report

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The digital gap in Belgium

Zoom on the 2024 digital inclusion barometer of the belgian population between 16 and 74 years old.

View the report

Our patronage projects


Introduction to robotics and programming in primary schools

Within the framework of our mission of giving everyone the same chances when it comes to digital, we have chosen to support the non-profit association CodeNPlay to introduce 2,300 children to the digital universe.

Beginning in September, CodeNPlay will conduct workshops on robotics, programming and best digital practices in primary schools of rural municipalities in both Wallonia and Flanders.

We would like to thank our customers who chose to convert their Orange Thank You gift into a donation, thus associating themselves with one of our heartwarming projects.


Launch of a women's mentorship program

More women in tech'

As part of our gender equality mission, we are committed to supporting a mentoring program for women in technology, with the non-profit organization BeCode.

Our ambition is to offer a mentoring programme of 80 women, thereby strengthening their chances of finding a job in a tech profession.


Creation of digital homes for women in Belgium

The objective? Offer training courses to strengthen the autonomy of women who are economically vulnerable or in a situation of digital precarity. On the programme: navigating the internet, drafting a CV, good online practices, using social networks…
It´s an ambitious partnership with the non-profit Girleek association.
In 1 year, a total of 1,546 women should benefit from these training courses (whether offered face-to-face or remotely), in Brussels and Antwerp. And this with the goal of fostering the digital woman of the future and promoting employability.

And thank you to our employees who took part in a donation campaign that resulted in several hundred additional beneficiaries.

700 PCs for Ukrainian schools

In response to an appeal from the European Commission we are preparing to donate 700 reconditioned PCs for Ukrainian citizens.
These computers are currently being cleaned and refurbished. This is an ambitious project that we are delighted to implement in order to support teachers and schoolchildren in the war zones of Ukraine.

It is a further example of our commitment to digital inclusion.

Guidance program for children

We chose to support TADA in order to structurally help socially vulnerable young people in Brussels by offering them a digital guidance programme.
Since September 2022, our internal teams put their backs into the project.
We are present at the weekend schools to add a digital layer to the learning programmes of these 1000 children between 10 and 14 years old.
It’s an ambitious project, and we are proud to be carrying it out with TADA and the King Baudouin Foundation. TADA (meaning ToekomstATELIERdelAvenir, or “WORKSHOP of the Future”) is a bilingual non-profit, active in Brussels and existing for 10 years with a proven track record in the field of inclusion.

And thank you to our employees who took part in a donation campaign that resulted in several hundred additional beneficiaries.