03/09/14 10:00

Corporate news

Mobistar is the first carbon neutral mobile operator for its operational activities

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Brussels, 3 September 2014 - Mobistar’s buildings, network and stores will henceforth all be carbon neutral. Having made a 75% reduction in its CO2 emissions since 2006, Mobistar is now offsetting its operational activities’ irreducible emissions. This means in practical terms that whichever Mobistar services its customers access, they can rest assured they are climate neutral. Mobistar customers therefore benefit from a greenhouse-gas-neutral mobile phone service (voice, sms, data, …). This is made possible thanks to carbon offset schemes, for which Mobistar is supported by CO2Logic.

Structured CO2 emission reductions

The keystone of Mobistar’s sustainable development plan is its aim of supporting a more environmentally responsible society, to which all are encouraged to contribute. With this goal in mind, Mobistar launched its ambitious CO2 emission reduction scheme in 2006. Following a carbon audit, Mobistar reduced its CO2 emissions by 75% between 2006 and 2013 thanks to such initiatives as: reduced energy consumption, greener buildings, renewable electricity contracts, paper management, waste management, fleet efficiency optimisation, a remote working policy, etc…

Mission: carbon neutral

Despite its strenuous efforts over the last few years, it is currently nearly impossible for Mobistar to further reduce its remaining CO2 emissions without adversely affecting customer service. Mobistar has therefore decided to utilise carbon offset schemes for its operational activities (buildings, network and stores). The aim is to make these activities completely carbon neutral. 2153 tonnes of CO2 emissions are therefore offset each year. It should be noted that this scheme does not currently take into account travel to and from work by Mobistar employees (including company vehicles). Areas covered by the carbon offset scheme are electricity, gas, oil, paper, waste, business air and rail travel and air conditioning system refrigerants.

The carbon offset scheme

The supported climate project is a Gold Standard certified carbon offset scheme, as initiated by the WWF and other bodies. It provides financing for environmentally-friendly projects whose main aim is to reduce CO2 emissions. Mobistar is being supported in these initiatives by CO2logic, an independent carbon-neutral consultancy company. CO2logic specialises in calculating, reducing and offsetting CO2 emissions. It helps businesses move towards implementing a low-environmental impact development policy. www.co2-neutral-label.org

By contributing to a project supplying efficient ovens to Uganda, Mobistar is offsetting the irreducible CO2 emissions of its Belgian operations. This project aims to provide domestic ovens for families in Uganda. In developing countries, almost 3bn people do their cooking on poor-quality wood-fuelled stoves. This practice exposes families to the dangers of smoke and is a contributing factor in their poverty as a huge amount of their time is taken up gathering the necessary wood. They are also unwittingly contributing to deforestation and the destruction of their natural resources. This oven provision project aims not only to reduce CO2 emissions, but also to improve the quality of life for local communities. To find out more about this project : http://bit.ly/1nCrkOa.

Ongoing initiatives
Mobistar has an ongoing and active commitment to further reducing CO2 emissions. It is making particular efforts to lower its irreducible CO2 emissions arising from operational activities and its employees’ commuting-related emissions. Consequently, the company is developing a genuinely proactive policy which encourages working from home, the use of public transport, lower-emission or electric-powered company vehicles, etc.