Digital for all
Orange's involvement
We join forces with partners who, like us, support digital inclusion.
DigitAll: Signing the Digital Inclusion Charter
We are joining forces with DigitAll, a coalition of businesses, social organisations and government bodies working together to improve digital inclusion in Belgium.
We have therefore signed the Digital Inclusion Charter which includes practical steps to help bridge the digital divide, such as setting up a free digital training centre, sponsorship projects to support associations in the field, donations of reconditioned PCs, volunteer days for our employees, and more. At Orange, we believe that digital represents a great opportunity and we want as many people to be able to access it as possible.
This undertaking is even more relevant when you realise that almost 50% of Belgians are digitally vulnerable (source: the King Baudouin Foundation Digital Inclusion Barometer - 2022).
Together we are building a more digitally inclusive world.

Our commitment to sustainable IT
As an economic player that assumes responsibility in the digital world, we have also joined forces with the ISIT (the Belgian Institute for Sustainable IT) by signing the Digital Responsibility Charter.

By becoming involved in this think and do tank, we are acting with our stakeholders on keys issues of digital responsibility: :
- techniques for eco-designing devices and digital services, energy savings, reuse, recycling, etc.
- practices related to digital services
- role of digital technology in the transition to a more sober, virtuous and circular economy
Together, we are progressing step by step on the path to a more sustainable world
Thousands of euros in donations for an inclusive association in Belgium
As part of our Orange Thank You loyalty programme, we offer customers the opportunity to convert their gift into a donation to a charity. On average, 1 in 5 customers choose to make a donation! Thank you for your generosity!
These donations are distributed to support projects in Belgium, either related to the environment (Natuurpunt/Natagora) or related to digital inclusion (TADA).
We are delighted to be advancing side by side with you in our efforts to make digital a factor fostering equality of opportunity.

BeCode: developing the web developer profession
Orange is proud to be an active partner and founding member of BeCode. Developers don’t grow on trees in Belgium and that is why in 2016 three Belgian entrepreneurs decided to found a dedicated school for developers: BeCode. Nearly 2,000 people have already received training there. This project is a concrete result of our ambition to foster digital inclusion. Until this goal is achieved we will continue to spare no effort to support BeCode in this training project.

Who is it for?
Anyone who is totally into technology and wants to become one of Belgium’s great web developers.
Graduate in 7 months
With the help of BeCode, beginners become junior web developers in just 7 months. They then follow an internship at a company like Orange to sharpen their skills. Every year, hundreds of web developers leave the BeCode program with valuable skills and a diploma.
Link to BeCode
Tada: 2 curious classes and 10 motivated employees
Every year, on a voluntary basis, we go out and encounter young students from underprivileged socioeconomic backgrounds.
In collaboration with the non-profit association Tada, we hold fun and creative workshops on the topic of ICT (information and communication technologies), covering subjects ranging from networks through binary language to the evolution of mobile phones as well as apps.
During such moments of sharing, the employees try to inspire these 11 year-olds, and they always come back inspired in turn by their smiles and potential.
We are convinced of the interest of these training courses in the field, and hope to structurally reinforce this type of partnership.