24/04/09 07:00

Financial news

Mobistar realises growth in its customer base and turnover in a competitive market

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Mobistar today announces its financial results for the first quarter of 2009. Notwithstanding an unfavourable economic climate, the consolidated turnover of the operator as well as the number of new customers have increased. Despite the expected regulatory pressure and the continuous competition, Mobistarmaintains its guidance for the financial year 2009.

Key facts:

  • The number of active customers for mobile telephony for the Mobistar group rose by 232,251, or 6.4 % in one year.
  • The consolidated turnover of the Mobistar group grew by 2.5 %, amounting to 371.2 million euros at the end of March 2009.
  • The EBITDA margin reached 38.3 % of the service revenues at the end of the first quarter of 2009.
  • The Mobistar group realised a consolidated net profit of 60.1 million euros on 31 March 2009.
  • The results of the first quarter enable Mobistar to confirm its guidance for the year 2009.