24/07/12 07:00

Financial news

Mobistar seduces the subscribers with its new mobile offers

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Today, Mobistar (Euronext Brussels: MOBB) publishes its results for the first half year of 2012. These results are in line with the guidance. Without regulatory impact, the consolidated turnover of the Mobistar group would have been stable compared to the first semester of 2011 (+0.5 %). The success of the new mobile offers launched in April which have already seduced over more than 160,000 Belgians, and the many initiatives taken by Mobistar to improve the customer service, enable Mobistar to be confident for the future. The upgrade of the activation platform for fixed-line customers realized during this semester will facilitate the relaunch of the commercial efforts on this segment during the coming months. Mobistar is also announcing the launch of the ACE (Agility – Cost – Execution) programme, which is designed to realize a gross saving of at least 100 million euros cumulated between 2013 and 2015.

1. Key facts

During the first semester 2012, the Mobistar group continued to progress on his four strategic priorities: reinforce its leadership on the mobile market, develop convergent services in ubiquity, offer the best customer experience on the market and manage the company costs in the most efficient way.

  • In April 2012, Mobistar innovated on the Belgian telecom market by launching a series of transparent new mobile subscriptions, meeting the real needs of the consumers: Squirrel, Kangaroo, Dolphin and Panther. By the end of June, more than 160,000 subscribers had already opted for one of these subscriptions. Mobistar´s « Animals » subscriptions were also the first no-obligation subscriptions launched on the Belgian market, thus anticipating the new telecom law, which as of next October 1stintroduces the possibility of changing operator free of charge after a period of 6 months.

    New international deals in the ‘machine-to-machine’ (M2M) segment, such as Nespresso, Sprint and Qualcomm Life, enabled Mobistar to realize an important growth of 60.7 % in one year.

  • In June 2012, Mobistar obtained the IRISnet 2 contract, which aims to provide convergent telecom services to all Brussels public institutions for the next 10 years. In July 2012, Mobistar revealed his 4G pilot network covering the entire city of Anwterp with speeds 10 times faster than in 3G.

  • During the first half of 2012, Mobistar continued to make substantial investments in its « Happy Customer » programme, which resulted in a significant improvement of the customer service: more than 90 % of the letters addressed to Mobistar today receive a response within 5 days, nearly 80 % of the calls are answered within 20 seconds, and 100 % of calls with more than 2.5 minutes of waiting are offered the « call back » option. Mobistar launched early June a first on the Belgian market: the service Travel Data Control, enabling customers to set for themselves the amount they wish to spend on mobile Internet while staying abroad.

  • Launched in 2009, the Odyssey plan enabled Mobistar to achieve more than 130 million euros in savings between 2010 and June 2012. The initial target of the Odyssey plan, which will last until the end of 2012, was to realize 100 million euros of savings. As of today, Mobistar is launching a new transformation programme for the company. Named ACE (Agility - Cost - Execution), it aims to achieve an additional gross saving of at least 100 million euros cumulated between 2013 and 2015.

Results first half 2012