Corporate Social Responsibility

In-Depth Work in Three Key Areas

Orange Belgium has been carrying out vital work to improve its environmental, social and economic balance sheets, to the maximum benefit of all stakeholders. It continues to implement its ongoing Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) work, focusing on the following key areas:

A Carbon-Neutral Company

As of 2014, all of Orange Belgium’s business activities have been carbon neutral.

Its irreducible carbon emissions are offset by environmental schemes to improve the quality of life for vulnerable groups, principally in Africa.

Since 2014, all operational activities of Orange Belgium are carbon-neutral

Listening to Employees' Needs and Well-Being

Employee satisfaction is one of the company’s major strategic priorities. For some years now, team members have been specially trained to act as trusted confidants for their colleagues, able to listen to any problems they may have and assume a mediation role where appropriate Grassroots initiatives to combat stress and prevent burnout are bearing fruit.

In the same vein, the company is also keen to provide a working environment which ensures a good work–life balance. There are regular initiatives to promote healthy minds and bodies: lunch time sports classes, free fruit at work, subsidizing the cost of smoking cessation treatment, flu vaccinations, etc.

The move to Orange went hand-in-hand with the implementation of 6 very practical Principles of Action, replacing the former company “Values" (see Our Teams section).

Working for Social Inclusion

It is incumbent upon Orange Belgium to ensure an impeccable service for its customers, including those with disabilities, by offering high-quality and reliable goods and services in which customers can trust. This also requires ongoing vigilance with regard to data protection and child protection in relation to certain content. As such, Orange Belgium is proud to be working with Child Focus.

The company is also proud to have been working over the last 13 years with the non-profit organisation Close The Gap, which collects pre-owned computer hardware to help humanitarian and educational programs in developing countries.

And in 2017…

As part of its overall mission to connect people, Orange Belgium is an active contributor to be<\code>. Through BeCode, Orange is playing an active role in supporting those who want to be part of our society's digital revolution by helping them access the digital skills they need. The be<\code> project was introduced in early 2017.
