Business practices
We have principles: those of the United Nations
Orange adheres to the Principles of the United Nations Global Compact and actively supports the SDGs (United Nations Sustainable Development Goals).
We are working on 6 common principles in the Orange Group and 8 goals that are specific to Orange Belgium.
This sustainable strategic line is being integrated into our day-to-day operations.

Reduced inequalities
We are building an open and respectful model that strives to reduce inequalities and support more vulnerable groups.
In the context of the Covid-19 crisis, we have taken additional measures to ensure the well-being and comfort of our customers and to limit the impact on the digital gap, for example by offering free data volume and technical assistance.
Go to: Digital for all

No poverty
We are introducing training initiatives and making donations in order to make digital tools more accessible. In partnership with the organisation Close the Gap, we collect items of IT equipment and recondition them to create professional tools intended for educational, medical, entrepreneurial projects in Belgium or developing countries, and particularly schools.
Go to: Digital for all

Quality education
We offer introductions and training courses in digital tools. We work with partners to turn digital into an opportunity for everyone: for example, via BeCode, a school that trains web developers. This project is one tangible manifestation of our commitment to digital inclusion.
Go to: Digital inclusion

Gender equality
We encourage diversity and a culture of inclusion, offering equal opportunities regardless of sex. Since 2011, we receive a GEEIS certificate (Gender Equality European & International Standard), rewarding our efforts in diversity, professional equality and inclusion.
Go to: Diversity

Responsible consumption and production
We are contributing to the functioning of a circular economy, with constant attention being devoted to anticipating, reducing and recycling our wastes. We are one of the first telecom operators in the world to launch a SIM card made of 100% recycled plastic. We reuse everything that possibly can be, including used parts of mobile phones, modems, decoders, etc. Always on the lookout for sustainable solutions, we offer in our product line reconditioned smartphones and smartphones that are more responsible vis-à-vis citizens, society and the planet.
Go to: Several lives

Decent work and economic growth
We are actively participating in growth by offering competitive and innovative products and services, created responsibly throughout the chain of production.

Good health and well-being
We inform our employees and our customers of best practices for benefiting from new technologies without abusing them. We are, for example, highlighting the Road Safety topic to our clients in order to raise their awareness of the danger of smartphones on wheels. We are giving them advices on how properly act and react while driving.
In the context of the Covid-19 crisis, we have been donating protective gear to healthcare personnel.

Climate action
We are taking steps to reduce the environmental impact of all our current and future activities. With our technologies and resources, we are advancing step by step towards a more sustainable world. Since 2006, we have reduced our CO2 emissions by nearly 80%, and in 2021 we received, for the 9th consecutive year, the CO2 neutral label from CO2logic and Vinçotte for our operational activities.
Go to: CO2 neutral

Affordable and clean energy
We critically review our practices in order to limit our carbon footprint and are multiplying our efforts to find sustainable alternatives. Our network infrastructures are designed for efficiency and responsible energy use. We have opted for a cooling system in the offices instead of air-conditioning, we purchase 100% green energy, and we have installed solar panels on the roof at Orange Belgium´s headquarters. Our shops are eco-designed as well, notably via the installation of less energy-consuming equipment.
Go to: Energy consumption

Substainable cities and communities
We propose sustainable digital innovations to support the development of the regions and municipalities of tomorrow. We are reinforcing our mobility plan by diversifying the modes of transport of our employees, encouraging the practice of teleworking and the use of hybrid and electric cars, as well as by reducing the fleet of petrol or diesel cars.
Go to: Mobility

Life on land
We are helping to preserve the environment by planting thousands of trees on Belgian territory, within the framework of our BuyBack recycling programme and our partnership with Natagora/Natuurpunt.
Go to: Several lives

Industry, innovation and infrastrure
We are investing in research and development, and adopting innovative digital solutions that match our ambitions.
We are implementing a mobile access network sharing agreement with Proximus that enables us to further increase the Network access, coverage and rapidity, while at the same time, making it more efficient.

Peace, justice and strong institutions
In line with the group strategy, we function in a democratic, respectful and open manner. We work with respect for fundamental liberties and in accordance with ethical principles.
- Ethical charter
- Development of Cybersecurity solutions and data protection
- Development of responsible supply norms through the joint Audit

Partnerships for the goals
We are collaborating with various partners in order to maximise the chances of achieving our goals, basing ourselves on the resources and talents of each. We develop partnerships with our entire ecosystem: governments, development agencies, NGOs, entrepreneurs, innovative SMEs, etc.:
- We are implementing a mobile access network sharing agreement with Proximus that enables us to further reduce our network´s energy consumption even as its traffic increases.
- We support and assist startups via programs dedicated for their acceleration.